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What to expect

Over the past decade, voice and messaging markets have experienced significant crossover, introducing commercially effective services across both channels in both channels, navigating challenges in both sectors over these number of years, including around fraud.

This crossover has led to the question of what is the symbiotic future of both channels and the diverse and innovative array of services that support both channels’ global growth at a wholesale level. 

Speakers at our 2025 event will be discussing the pain points as well as opportunities in both channels, optimising the experience for enterprises by discussing key use cases in areas such as omnichannel services, including CPaaS and RCS within messaging, to flash calling and call centre services in the voice domain. 

Call for papers

If you have any groundbreaking innovations and research areas pertaining to the voice and/or messaging domains, and would like to showcase your work to an engaged community, please do not hesitate to contact the event’s content producer, Senem Dundar.

Message Senem